
Android studio release apk
Android studio release apk

android studio release apk

Keystore alias password – unless you set a separate alias password, this is the same as Keystore password.Keystore alias – enter the keystore alias ( my-app-name in the above example).

android studio release apk

Keystore password – enter the password you gave when generating the keystore.Keystore file – your my-app-name.keystore file is uploaded here.In Composer on the Keystore tab, you have the following fields: You ca enter a separate password for the alias, but that's not necessary either. data are not necessary, but you can fill them in if you want. You then need to input a password required to use the keystore. keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-app-name.keystore -alias my-app-name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 Run the following command in your Terminal or Command Prompt (replacing my-app-name appropriately).

Android studio release apk